Wednesday, March 29, 2006

do you know the muffin man?

we totally went to drury lane... :) it made me smile a whole lot. the british museum never ceases to amaze me... there's just so much... even when half the museum is closed off. oye!

it's weird, i keep thinking in my head with an accent... but i try to not let it bleed over into speech, yet... somehow i just feel so phony... oh well, i suppose if it happens it happens...

okay, seriously i'm going to burn the pictures... soon.... if i figure it out or whatever... yeah...

i've set up my lessons, but my teacher lives a hell of a long way away.. which will be interesting to get through all the tube stations and stuff.. but an adventure nonetheless.

i'm going to go to scotland in may... it looks SO pretty, i can't wait!! and there are tons of opera, concert, ballet and theatre preformances.. it makes me SO happy.

okay, back to the earth rachel, back to the freakin earth!!

later all...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

what a terrible day!

my credit card has been shut off. ugh! and thus i couldn't book my tour to cambridge, thus i am missing out on time with everyone. ugh! and then i bought a phone card to call to get my credit card figured out and it was expired. ugh, ugh, ugh! i think i may just read and call it a day... yes i realize it isn't late... it's been a bad day and i just want to not think about all of this crap. ugh!

Monday, March 27, 2006

okay, so, yeah...

okay, i can't really figure out how to burn the pics to cd yet, and thus can't move the pictures and crap... oye! but this first one is outside my room in london and the other is me out my window in london. it takes a really long time to upload them to here, so i might just consider using facebook... we'll see....

Sunday, March 26, 2006


london. that is all.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


hocay so here's the dealio. i'm cleaning like a mad woman... and i can't find fricken luggage tags anywhere in this silly town. only ones that will fall off... ugh! i mean, one little flappy thing is not going to keep an id on my cello case... which is gonna be awkward in all the luggage stuff anyway. good god i hope they don't drop it anywhere... *fingers crossed, knock on wood and stuff like that*

okay, soon to come, my new site. just need to do it. do it, do it, do it.

kk, later.

Monday, March 20, 2006

3, again...

sorta weird that i counted last night/day as today... dunno what i was thinking. yes, it should be 'see my dearest shamamamamama' but i can't proofread... oops.

i think i may take a hietous from this sight... and make a new site, a better sight.. just for my journeys. we'll see what happens. i'll let the important peoples know. don't worry. just figured here is kinda weird... dunno why, but it is... i guess...

okiely dokiely, i guess i should get back to work and perhaps think about taking nik's movies back. hehe... jk jk....



only three days until i actually leave... wowza!

cleaning and crap is getting a bit boring. i truly wish i could go wish my little shamakins... but i can't. and that sucks. but we will hang out lots and lot this summer and will have a great times talking about my trip. because it's all about me... all the time... so i'm a jerk, no big deal, wanna fight about it...???...

i had a strange dream about the cello studio the other night... we were all related and in this target store.. and were being chased by dinosaurs. it was pretty awesome... til steve got eaten.. :'(


okay, better go and do some crap. damn being up so damned early.. grrr...


Saturday, March 18, 2006


so much to say... so little energy...

okay, i've pretty much got everthing packed, well at least sort of. i've done one full packing-in-advance thing... it's all good and will fit. OH! my cello case is huge!!! and weighs a ton, so here's what i've had to do. i have to put my backpack inside my big suitcase so i only have one other bag. it works okay, but it incredibly hard to manuever both bags... so i did a little research with momand we found that i can store one of my bags at the airport for about 5.50 per day... not that i want to keep my luggage there, but that way i can manhandle one beast at a time. :) true, two trips isn't gonna be great, but i have pretty much nothing to do on friday. (yup, that'd be this coming friday!! AAHHH!!) i'm excited.. it might actually happen, truly!!! i can't even believe it. i can't. eeeeee!!!!!

okay, now back to cleaning a stuff... cause even though i'm packed my shit is everywhere else in my room. eep! hopefully i'll get it done before i leave... well, basically i have to.. i don't think my rents will let me go if i don't... hehe...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


just 8 days left. i'm going back to roch today. then i just have to clean and pack and get outta here. :) i'm still a little anxious about everything. getting all my stuff, being able to carry it, sending my cello though baggage handling (EEP!!!), getting to the house and everything... aye yi yi!!! i'm sure it'll be fine, but it's all getting very real... and that's pretty freaky. i hope i can see my shama before i leave. i'm gonna try, babes!!!

okay, still packing and stuff, going to brekkie and then continuing to pack... and then i'll leave. crazy shit, dudes. :) :)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

so.... it's like that, eh?

the last two days have been the most stressful and most fun i've had in awhile. (minus this morning, jeez!) i've just been thinking back on high school and how i percieved it and how i percieved the relationships people had with one another. i would just like to say that we are all wrong about so many things. i mean, i know we were all like hormonal and shit, but damn.... and like how we were so vicious to one another... damn... high school sucks. :'(

anywho, i'm trying to get the most out of my last few days in the us. and i've been doing it. :) last night was super fun, i got to party with my cellos one last time before i leave. steve's not gonna be here next year, but he said he's gonna visit and shit and we can visit him... damn. i'm actually gonna miss him. if you had asked me that last year i wouldn't have said that. the freshman this year helped to much to bring the studio together. :) that makes me very happy. they are a very fun bunch and i am really going to miss them in london. :'(

i've decided not to go to haiti. mostly because i think i would explode if i had to figure out all that shit before i leave for london. and this summer would be awesome with it, but i would actually die... so i've decided to not go and for sure go next summer. (plus i think i was just going for a really stupid reason... not so much after the first couple of days, but what got me to think about it was really stupid... yeah... don't even ask....)

okay, i have a shit ton of work to do before i leave. which sorta freaks me out, but it's gonna be okay. i'm just gonna chill and get as much work done as possible. aight, i talk later...

Saturday, March 11, 2006



and nik is here (i miss my shama too!!!). it is good. today will be amazing, just like yesterday. hey, i can sleep when i'm dead right?

tonight i wanna ruin my life, i wanna throw it all away, in a spectacular waaa--aa--aay!


later yalls!

Thursday, March 09, 2006


so i tried. i really tried. but i just couldn't... i was so tired that i just threw in the towel at about 2:30, and i didn't even get that much done. but i got a good six hours of sleep and i can work quite a bit today. i know i can finish today... but i also have to do my saxophone notebook. crapity crap crap. i'm just SO pissed off and stressed out and in pain... ugh, i just want to get away from here. FUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!!!!!

okay, so later.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

so, the plan...

i am planning as such:

go to studio, read my papers to get ideas for paper. go to dinner and then teach my lesson. come back, watch the season finale of project runway (santino's gonna win, even though daniel totally should win... :'( ), write paper all of tonight, just gettin it out there. and thus have three days to edit and shit. then study for my aom final (just do all the questions in advance and then print out the shit at the final... wouldn't that be amazing???) pack up my shit and get the fiznuck out of here. :) then go home a pack up my shit some more and get the fiznuck outta there... wooooowwweee it's gonna be a crazy couple of weeks. aye, aye, aye!!!!

okay, and break.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

there's a change in the wind says i!

wtf! i truly do no understand!!!!!

fuck people who invite people over and then don't let them in. i'm fully thinking about just not saying goodbye... yeah...

it's kinda been a 'fuck people' day. ya know what i mean? the kind of day when you wish that the world had just stopped and not done anything for awhile. but i suppose that wouldn't really make the problems go away... yeah...

i really don't want to write my aesthetics essay. i just don't. and i don't want to find recommendations for my haiti app and i don't wanna fill out the rest of it. i just want to leave and not think about any of this shit. i just want to get as far away from here as possible. i'm just hating myself at this point and place in time. wtf, wtf, wtf!

okay, gonna go to sleep and not think about shit... goodnite.

Friday, March 03, 2006

okay, so...

one paper done. turned in. but now i need to write a rough draft of my other paper. i thought it was due yesterday, thus i was only going to turn in an outline, but now it's due by midnight tonight... hm... and i don't have any classes today, and i really should just do it. but somehow i really lack the motivation. i just want to be done. no more writing. :'( i'll get some done and also hand in my out line. i think. :) it'll work.

okay, this prolly the only time i'll write anything about this. the sd ban is just freaking crazy. beyond the obvious objections- why do people think they should FORCE their morals on other people. most people i've talked to about it are like 'why should the child have to suffer for a girl's mistake?' (if your going 'wtf, GIRL'S MISTAKE??' i totally agree, but i didn't say that...) and to which i usually reply 'why should a woman have to suffer?' they usually give a blank stare and walk away... but whatever. if you don't like abortion, don't have one. i'm pro-people doing what they think is appropriate in this matter. and why not just have it legal so women won't die and get terrible infections from back-room abortion clinics... i think that is true suffering. it just saddens me. i don't think i could, personally, have an abortion, but who am i to tell people what to do morally with their lives. and ps. if you're christian, YOU DON'T. God is the only one who can judge anyone... i'm pretty sure that's a big, MIND YOUR OWN FREAKIN' BUSINESS!!!

just needed to get that out there.

okay, back to work. laters.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

well, fuck that....

yup, that's what i say to you papers. fu!!!! FU!!!!! you have no power over me. i mean i know i'll get them done (well, i'm just gonna hand in a pretty awesome outline for aesthetics) but then i have a whole week to really write it. and this weekend i am sans roommate so hopefully i'll get shit loads done. i think it's possible... well, most of my friends are gone because of choir. cept eli, who's leaving on monday. crazy! i'm gonna miss her... for the next two weeks??...?? but then i hope that i can go visit her in graz while i'm in europe. :) woot! :)

only 22 days to go. AHHHH!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!

okay, back to work... lata... alagata... that is silly...