Friday, March 03, 2006

okay, so...

one paper done. turned in. but now i need to write a rough draft of my other paper. i thought it was due yesterday, thus i was only going to turn in an outline, but now it's due by midnight tonight... hm... and i don't have any classes today, and i really should just do it. but somehow i really lack the motivation. i just want to be done. no more writing. :'( i'll get some done and also hand in my out line. i think. :) it'll work.

okay, this prolly the only time i'll write anything about this. the sd ban is just freaking crazy. beyond the obvious objections- why do people think they should FORCE their morals on other people. most people i've talked to about it are like 'why should the child have to suffer for a girl's mistake?' (if your going 'wtf, GIRL'S MISTAKE??' i totally agree, but i didn't say that...) and to which i usually reply 'why should a woman have to suffer?' they usually give a blank stare and walk away... but whatever. if you don't like abortion, don't have one. i'm pro-people doing what they think is appropriate in this matter. and why not just have it legal so women won't die and get terrible infections from back-room abortion clinics... i think that is true suffering. it just saddens me. i don't think i could, personally, have an abortion, but who am i to tell people what to do morally with their lives. and ps. if you're christian, YOU DON'T. God is the only one who can judge anyone... i'm pretty sure that's a big, MIND YOUR OWN FREAKIN' BUSINESS!!!

just needed to get that out there.

okay, back to work. laters.


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