Sunday, March 05, 2006

there's a change in the wind says i!

wtf! i truly do no understand!!!!!

fuck people who invite people over and then don't let them in. i'm fully thinking about just not saying goodbye... yeah...

it's kinda been a 'fuck people' day. ya know what i mean? the kind of day when you wish that the world had just stopped and not done anything for awhile. but i suppose that wouldn't really make the problems go away... yeah...

i really don't want to write my aesthetics essay. i just don't. and i don't want to find recommendations for my haiti app and i don't wanna fill out the rest of it. i just want to leave and not think about any of this shit. i just want to get as far away from here as possible. i'm just hating myself at this point and place in time. wtf, wtf, wtf!

okay, gonna go to sleep and not think about shit... goodnite.


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