Sunday, March 12, 2006

so.... it's like that, eh?

the last two days have been the most stressful and most fun i've had in awhile. (minus this morning, jeez!) i've just been thinking back on high school and how i percieved it and how i percieved the relationships people had with one another. i would just like to say that we are all wrong about so many things. i mean, i know we were all like hormonal and shit, but damn.... and like how we were so vicious to one another... damn... high school sucks. :'(

anywho, i'm trying to get the most out of my last few days in the us. and i've been doing it. :) last night was super fun, i got to party with my cellos one last time before i leave. steve's not gonna be here next year, but he said he's gonna visit and shit and we can visit him... damn. i'm actually gonna miss him. if you had asked me that last year i wouldn't have said that. the freshman this year helped to much to bring the studio together. :) that makes me very happy. they are a very fun bunch and i am really going to miss them in london. :'(

i've decided not to go to haiti. mostly because i think i would explode if i had to figure out all that shit before i leave for london. and this summer would be awesome with it, but i would actually die... so i've decided to not go and for sure go next summer. (plus i think i was just going for a really stupid reason... not so much after the first couple of days, but what got me to think about it was really stupid... yeah... don't even ask....)

okay, i have a shit ton of work to do before i leave. which sorta freaks me out, but it's gonna be okay. i'm just gonna chill and get as much work done as possible. aight, i talk later...


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