Thursday, May 26, 2005

restful + sleep = me?

i am completely surprised at the fact that i actually slept for eight hours without having to get up in the middle and take more codeine-filled cough syrup. perhaps i'm getting better??? that would make me oh so happy. then i could go outside and sit in the sunshine and probably get burned.. but it will be wonderful because it will be beautiful outside. and the ground isn't wet because it hasn't rained in almost a week. :) things are looking up. also, it is really early. i'm okay with that as i went to sleep early, but sort of amazing nonetheless. and as i don't have anything to do today until 4:15 when i have to go to asta, i'm not sure what today will entail. i should really go to the gym. perhaps a bike ride would be good too... so much that i could do. so little that i want to do. well, cept for one thing. but i lack the courage for that. sigh. perhaps i could muster up enough tonight? or perhaps saturday... it will be captive then! then i shall attack. and by attack i mean, well, not.

today is rla appreciation day. sadly it would have been cooler if i hadn't known that it was going to happen today. who ever put it on this week is a dumb box. that's lame-o. i have streamers on my door and my head from that pic where nik is sawing off my head is captioned with 'hugs, kisses, flowers, a million dollars, your first born child... she deserves them all...' tis very funny... hehe!

oh nik, i want to go home right now. well, as long as i could take someone with me. oh shams, i'm so jealous of you and i want to go in your suitcase. summer will not be same without iusing you to play old nintendo.... i mean, seeing you all of the time. sigh. remember that time when you waited outside my car at target. yeah. that was creepy. :) okay, there's only two weeks left here (which is horrible in some cases and wonderful that i will be home soon-ish) i am done. bibi.


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