Monday, May 09, 2005

days like this, i don't know what to do with myself.

all day, and all night. i wander the halls along the walls and under my breath i say to myself i need fuel to take flight.

i am happy today. today is my victory day. yes, victory is mine. all mine. i don't know in what or how, but it is. haha!

the trees are blooming and the leaves have come back. it is happy. the world is suddenly not bare, but green and living. :) it is very happy. there is a really pretty tree outside, which i can see from my window, that has pretty white flowers. it reminds me of my trees at home. sigh. i bet the cherries are in blossom. so pretty. and the lilacs and chokecherries will be blooming soon, as well. pretty, pretty, pretty. the world is so beautiful today. it is really nice, even if it is slightly humid. the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. happy day.

i need to practice the beethoven. i need to call places for shack-a-thon. grr. but the places i've called have said no. grr. grr. grr. hopefully i can call places tomorrow.. cause i prolly won't do it today. sigh.

i suppose that is it, i'm really excited about this weekend. ridiculously excited. yay! (and no... you will never find him... never... i hid him well....)



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