Friday, May 13, 2005

a watched pot never boils.

never have been good at this whole waiting thing. sigh. i want yalls here now. i hate waiting. it makes me pout. humf. my mumsie sent me the summerfest music. it looks wicked hard. but i'm so excited! so, i'm going to work super hard on it. it'll be good, just looks like woodshedding stuff. :)

i had my london orientation yesterday. it was wonderful. i'm so excited to be there and to 'become a londoner..' (as all of the stuff says i should...) i'm still considereing if i want to bring my laptop or not. i mean, it is perhaps a piece of shit, but to not have it seems wholly odd to me. not being able to check my email whenever and such would prolly kill me. for real. but it does weigh a lot and would take up a lot of my valuable packing space. sigh, i suppose i'll decide later. as i have almost a year to figure it all out. (but i'm not going to leave everything to the last minute. no no, i'm going to plan this summer a whole lot. hello, london guidebooks...)

i think that's about it... this week has been awesome and this weekend is going to be the best in a long time. :) hooray. okay, bye!


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