Tuesday, May 10, 2005

well, since i have nothing better to do.

1. What time is it: 10:09
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Rachel Leanne Knipfer
3. Nicknames: Rachie, Rach, Achie, Ach, Ray Ray, (a new favorite at school) Lil' Ray Ray, Achifer, Doughba, Trippy Kanippy, Ho Bag, hm... prolly more...
4. Piercing: one in each ear and one cartilage piercing on the left ear.
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? well, in the theatre... miss congeniatilty 2 (my sis really wanted to see it... and since i've seen the first one about a billion times, i went... it was okay...)
6. Eye color: brown with just a hint of greeny-yellow around the edges.
7. Place of birth: Olmsted County Hospital, Rochester, MN
8. Favorite foods: pasta, anything that has a lot of calories and little nutritional value.
9. Ever been to Africa? only in my dreams.
10. Ever been toilet papering? hm... no
11. Love someone so much it made you cry? more than once? yes, and yes.
12. Been in a car accident? only with nik and stefo... hehe..
13. Croutons or bacon bits? seeing as i don't eat bacon, i guess croutons, but i don't really like them either...
14. Favorite day of the week? any day when i wake up from a glorious dream.
15. Favorite restaurants? china one (roch), taste of thai (appley), katsu ya of japan (appley)
16. Favorite flower? forget-me-nots, pansies, or sunflowers.
17. Favorite sport to watch? soccer... specially british premier league!
19. Favorite ice cream? my NEW favorite, is bummble buzz at baskin robins... it's SO good.
20. Disney or Warner Brothers? as horrible as disney is, i do love to sing along to their lovely animated musicals... sigh... but warner brothers is okay too...
21. Favorite fast food restaurants: erb's and gerb's... yummy!
22. What color is your bedroom carpet: appley- creamy colored squares with beigey colors too... it was cheap! home- none, i have wood floors.
23. How many times did you fail your driver's test? i never failed it.. but i did fail the 90 degree back in.. which should have been an automatic fail, but the guy was nice... yay!
24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? kristin tomayo about LUVV (lawrence university vegetarians/vegans
25. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? prolly best buy or some book store.
26. What do you do most often when you are bored? read, movies, internet, blog, write... whatever..
27. Bedtime: ridiculously early for my age, so prolly around 11:30-12ish...
i cut out the stupid questions!
31. Favorite TV shows? Degrassi,The Daily Show, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, i don't watch tv at school... so ya know... whatever...
32. Last person you went to dinner with? i haven't eaten dinner since saturday... and i think that was with eliana... sad....
33. Ford or Chevy: Ford, i guess... the focus is a cute car..
34. What are you listening to right now? whatever's on shuffle in my cd player...
35. What is your favorite color: blue
36. Lake, Ocean or River: open water sorta creeps me out, but i really liked the mediterrean because it was SO clear and clean!
37. How many tattoos do you have? none, considering getting a lotus with a chalice.... considering
38. Time you finished this e-mail: 10:26
40. If you could talk with anyone who has ever lived - past, present, or future - who would it be? i agree, if they haven't lived yet, how do you know who they are... i suppose my children would be kinda cool, but somehow i don't think i'll have any...
41. Who do you know that truly loves and lives life to the fullest? no one, because you can't all of the time. at times life sucks and you can't make the most of every situation. duh!

okay, i'm done... i don't really know why i did it... but it occupied a bit of time... yay!


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