Thursday, May 19, 2005

home. a new one.

we got our quad in hiett. i'm very excited. i love paris. she has so much drama, but from her i can take it. i think that her living with someone again will be good for her. now if she could just dump jeremey. sigh. that would be too much to ask.

in other news, i haven't been sleeping very well. i go to sleep, and wake up like twenty minutes later and am awake for another fourty minutes to an hour. it is ridiculous. last night was better. i think i got around six hours. but i was super exhausted. whoo.

last night was also star wars. it was surprisingly better than i thought it would be. the first halfish was terrible (ie the really fake burst into tears by natalie portman and cheesy lines...) but the second half was pretty sweet. (the wookie army wasn't really that cool... sad... i mean basically they fight and then you see chewie for like two seconds. lame-o) but it was cool.. i wore the yoda hat. it was SWEET. and we actually got pretty good seats even though there were pretty much no seats left in the theatre when we got there. so i sat on the floor and heidi followed suit. so this guy was all like 'aw, you girls can sit here. *motioning to the shirt draped over two seats in front of him* i just didn't want anyone to sit in front of me. but you'll be okay...' okay, i was first like sweet, we have somewhere to sit. then i was like who the hell saves seats in front of them just because they don't want someone in front of them in a stadium style theatre. crazy. i just don't understand. but we got good seats and i guess that's what's important. hehe. :)

i feel more tired today now that i've actually slept. hopefully my sleep schedule will normalize really soon and i can not feel so much like a slug during the day. :) that is all. you can go away now. (much love to julie mcquinn)


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