Thursday, April 21, 2005

scotch or razor blades, kids...

thanks, mr. debbaut. i really appreciate that you can share with us that you are an alcoholic with self-distructive tendencies. thank you for that. oh, and your story about your abusive parents was very inspirational, too. (yes, we do all have disfunctional households. my parents often beat me just for fun...) (oh wait....)

i purchased a keeper (a washable menstrual cup) along with four of my friends here. (to get 10% off... ) i'm really excited. i mean, only 30 cents a month, compared to around $5 a month. plus it's good for the environment and better for me. :) i'm throughly happy. you only have to change it twice a day... WHHAAAATTTT!!!! friggin amazing. if you are interested go to: i'll keep yalls posted on how it works out. well, not detail, but whether it works and is good... hehe...

life is pretty good. i don't really do homework anymore. but i totally rocked my stats test yesterday. i sorta freaked out on one of the problems, but then i focused, settled and looked at it again... and bam! it totally did it. it was amazing. :) i have a psyc test tomorrow. i'm sorta worried, cause i don't know what to expect. good thing for the s/u opt. so even if i get a c, it won't show. :) okie, i better shower before i meet with liz. cause i be smelly. bye.


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