Tuesday, April 12, 2005

he had it coming, he only had himself to blame.

if you'd a been there, if you'd a seen it. i bet you would have done the same.

okay, i seriously sorta cleaned my room yesterday. it looks good. i put my comforter on my couch and my little down blanket on my bed. mostly cause the comforter was too hot. and if you ever been in my room, you'd know that it is always steaming. although it's getting better because there's a bit of wind outside. and my fan of course.

i altered a couple of pairs of pants. they fit much better now. it makes me happy. i don't really know why i didn't just fix them in the first place, but at least they will fit really well for their last legs. haha, pants. legs. hehe. but they are super comfy now. :)

i have a whole lot of homework. i don't really know how i got to be two chapters behind in psyc, but i am. well, i do know how, i just didn't do the reading. but the class is so boring. prolly cause it's principles. and i took psyc in high school. whatever, ansfield is a funny man, so i guess it's ok. i'll deal. this term is so much better than last term. i can't even describe how much better i feel about things in general. yay for sunshine. yay for greening. yay for teaching. yay for cellos. yay for celling the playo. yay for life. yay for me. yay for being done. yay!


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