Friday, April 08, 2005

sunshine, on my window.

makes me happy. like i should be. outside, all around me, really sleazy. don't tell me, you can't see, what it means to be me, me, ME!

sitting in my little room, listening to the sambista's practicing outside. not lights on, just the dim glow from the sun invading my north-facing room. it is happy. it is beautiful outside. i hope it is this nice at bjorklunden. that would make me very happy. :) i'm really glad i'm getting away. i need to be away from the quad mishap for a few days. i don't wanna be angry with heidi, or eliana who is now dropped out.... but i am. thanks guys for ruining housing for all of us again. thanks. i'm sad and disappointed, but what can i do about it? pretty much nothing. i just need to be away for a few days. it'll be nice. to relax. hang with the studio. (ps... at least natalie isn't going... i love her, but... i don't think i could take a weekend of it...)

i got a b on my stats quiz... cause i kinda forgot a formula... well mis-remembered it. oops. whatever, i still think i'm going to do okay in this class. i hope.

something else i was going to say... hm... don't remember....

oh wait!!! the thing was that celine was knocking on my door cause this girl on our floor was having a party that night.. and being noisy and stupid.. but i sorta slept through it.. i'm sorry... (why she didn't call security after her, katy, and keegan couldn't get it under control, i really don't understand???) i mean in understand wanting to this girl's trust.. but after two hours and three different rla's.. you need more help... seriously. i hope she at least filled out an incident report. i hope.

kk, that is all. i think. today is a good day. even though my two least favorite people from lawrence are going to london with me. it's k. because i am going to have a wonderful time, i don't care about them... they will not ruin this for me. i'm going to do my thing and have a blast. :)


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