Friday, April 01, 2005

april's fool.

it appears to be me. there were balloons all over the bathroom this morning. it was strange, especially because i couldn't sleep last night. thus, getting around 3 hours (and nothing strange going on in the bathroom as of 2:15amish) it was really weird to be wide awake at 5:30 and find balloons everywhere. whatever, i don't really care, and it prolly pissed off steve. thus it made me happy.

whoever sent me the fiona apple cd (i'm not sure if it's new or just stuff i haven't heard...) but it is really good. it also made me very happy. so, thank you.

i like conducting. but if debbaut makes another smug comment about something i may extract his eye with my bare hands. yeah, that's pretty much it. (I WAS PLAYING PONTICELLO!!!!)



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