Sunday, March 27, 2005

a hair that is cut.

i got a haircut yesterday. it looks pretty much the same. a bit shorter. whatever... thanks mumsie. i'm completely convinced that i can't be around my sister and my parents at the same time. seperately they are fine, each i can handle independently, but somehow... together, they make this horrible environment that i just can't be in. they argue and i'm somehow always in the middle. i don't understand why they fight about the stupidest things and take forever to make any sort of decision about anything. whatever, it was only a few days.

i'm back in my little room in dear old sammy plantz hall. it is small, but it is all my very own. i like that... it's very comforting to have a place that is entirely personal. but i think having a roommate that i actually like will be wonderful. even if she 'brings the drama'... it will be interesting, nonetheless. i can't even imagine the wonderfulness of next year! SO WONDERFUL!!!!

i guess i have nothing else to say... i should call yalls. i would have over break.. but i temporarily lost my phone charger.. whoops, but it is found now, and my phone is charging. so, perhaps tonight... yeah, i'm done now. laters.


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