Wednesday, April 06, 2005

it's not about love.

cause i am not in love.

i really love the new fiona apple cd. it is freakin amazing. i can't stop listening to it. it makes me very happy!

so much for the good news, celine is trying my patience. i really just can't handle that she never helps me with the whole rla thing. pretty much everything we ever do, i have to kick her in the ass to get it done. but somehow people always get the impression that she has done all of the work. i don't understand. i'm the one working hard and being on top of things and people think SHE'S the one doing all this shit. fuck that. i'm so fucking sick of people taking advantage of me. all i wanted was for her to tell me what nights she was availible or to tell me what dates would be okay for stuff. but she igores me, talks to other people and then is just like 'i don't know...' so i left. i put dates on the paper, and if that's not going to work then fuck it. cause quite honestly i just don't care. i'm doing my job and if she doesn't want to help then i guess i can't force her. but i'm just going to have to talk with her about it. 'she needs to be told about herself!' and if that doesn't work i'm going to liz. so basically, if you are in a professional relationship of cooperative responsibilites, don't drop the ball all of the time. it fucking sucks for everyone else.

otherwise today was okay, even though debbaut kept us 15 mins over. if i'd of realized i would have fuckin walked out. what an ass. i really just don't like him and want this whole orchestral year to be over NOW!!!!! thus said, gnite.


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