Sunday, April 03, 2005

hello sweet mess.

i am back in my little room. after only being in it for 6 days, it was really weird to leave again. it was really strange to see my family without my pup. :'(

so here's the deal. my pup went to the kennel for the weekend that we were in milwaukee. apparently when she was there she was having huge problems getting up off of their slippery concrete floors, thus she really hurt her extremely weak muscles in her legs. (and probably also inflamed her arthritis.) when my parents got back, they picked her up from the vet and she just cried and cried all night. sad. :( then apparently during the next few days she could not get up off of the floor, kept severely bumping into walls and various things. she was extremely confused and couldn't get up most of the time. and being that my parents couldn't be with her 24 hrs a day, it just became apparent that her suffering was too great, and she needed to be put down. when the vet looked at her before the 'procedure', he basically said, 'well, i'm not going to tell you she's blind, but basically she can only see light.' i am still sad about it, for obvious reasons, but mostly because it feels too weird to not have her at home. it seems empty and lonely. the house is going to be too quiet. the kitties will get lonely. :'(

i think that's about it. i need to clean and do pretty much all of my homework for this weekend today. and i'm on duty tonight. suck. i really don't like being on duty just for the fact that i can't leave the building. so constraining. poo. okay, i'm done. bye guys.


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