Saturday, May 07, 2005

that small flame.

rachel. you need to stop making excuses. just do it. just go and don't think. stop over analyzing. it will be okay. you know that. you do.

i did some laundry today. it is nice. my room smells all clean now. yay! once they all actually dry, i will have a nice, clean and happy room. :) my package came. i am very happy about that. somehow, whenever i order something i always am so anxious until it actually arrives. i'm probably crazy. whatever, over it.

yesterday was nice. halo is very confusing and fascinatingly violent. but it made a strange pair with hotel rwanda that i saw before it. (i cried SO much during the movie...) too much violence in one night.

i don't plan on doing much else today besides read. and hey, it's reading period so why not?? hehe. okay, i'm going go. and do. stuff. yeah.


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