Monday, May 30, 2005

am i a schizoid?

i feel that it is entirely possilbe! i thought i was just going to sit in my room and be angry last night... over something completely stupid. but then cory showed up, and then eliana, and then greg. it was one of the better nights i've had in awhile... well, at least since i've been sick. i miss just talking until late with people that actually like talking about interesting things. :) ah, intellectual stimulation... that sounds dirty. hehe. 'we're jammin, we're jammin'.. and i hope you like jammin' to...' oh bob marley.. you make me happy. and make me think of alex. without him i probably wouldn't even listen to bob. (it was the good outcome...)

hello cliff, am i going to fall off now? i wish i would.. i don't like staring over the edge, almost teetering forward but somehow always pulling myself back. i just want to jump head first off of it. into whatever is below. i don't care, but it can't be worse than seeing it from afar.

i have a paper to write. i'm really not worried about it. it makes me happy that it is for my s/u class, therefore i don't really care if i don't do well, because i'm pretty sure that i will still manage a c even if i do horribly. (but i'm pretty sure i'll get an a-/b+) we'll see if i take off the s/u thing... i can't really remember what i got on the last test... hm... i thought it was a b... maybe i'm wrong... i probably wrote it somewhere. i guess. OH! the test that i took a day late because i was sick... i actually did really well on. i only got .75 points off... which came to a lovely 98.5% on the test. :) i might actually be able to get an a out of the class. hooray! here i come to an overall 3.4 grade point. hello dean's list... la la la.

perhaps i should get back to work. but i feel like dancing around and being silly. sounds like a plan to me. commence dancing wildly in my own little room. (i'm going to miss it next year... well, many things will be missed next year... so sad...) (but hiett will be very nice.. i know it will.. i will make it so...) have a pleasant memorial day, everyone.


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