Tuesday, March 22, 2005

ahoy mateys!

i am at home. it feels good. i worked the last two days. sad that lod adam is not there any more. he was one of the execs who i actually didn't mind that much. he at least seemed like he knew what he was doing. but there is on way that i can work 40 hrs every single week like i did last summer. hopefully my playing will make up the difference, so i will only have to work 15-20. that would be way nice. otherwise than that, i've been sifting through a lot of old junk, practicing and singing loudly around the house. it is probably quite humorous. but i'm throughly enjoying not being all stress out and running around in circles... i'm perfectly happy to read mrs. dalloway and listen to some music. hooray!

semyo is the weirdest organization. they have a 'play in' thingy in may. i'm going to try to go... though i'm not sure why... it should be interesting to see all of those people again. though i'm pretty sure they will be as arrogant as they were before. perhaps more so as they talk of the ivy league conservatories they go to... blah, blah, blah. i'm not going to stoop to that. yes, lawrence is a good school and i'm very glad i go there (as it fits me perfectly!), but what i'm concerned and passionate about is music. and who cares where you go to school, if you do what you love, that should be the important thing. therefore, i resolve to not bat around my school name and brag about the stuff i do. i'm just going to be me and not play into this stupid game of intellectual and musical popluarity. go me!

college facebook is also very strange... i don't see the relavance.. but yet i still have a profile. hm, interesting how that works... i can't see myself solely making friends through it. but they are fun to look at. much like other people's yearbooks. yeah... okay...

i'm done. i am going to go practice and perhaps go through some costume-y stuff... hehe! oh the parties we'll go to in those... hehe! bye!


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