Sunday, October 30, 2005

rainbows turn into gold!

so this is my halloween costume that i wore to the phi tau and co-op parties... i actually took this picture this morning cause i forgot my camera last night. last night was a very fun night. i didn't think it was going to be at first because jessica had invited this guy, justin, to her little pre-party. he is gay and decided to go as kylie minogue (how ever you spell that. and his big thing was telling all of us how much more attractive of a women he was than us. i wounldn't have minded but it was not true. i mean, how can he with no hips or boobs and stubble be more attractive... i do not think so. sorry. but when we went to the phi tau thing first it SUCKED so much, pretty much only freshman were there and it just just dumb... it made me sad... then we went back to the grille to pick up paris from work... then we all decided to protect jessica from adam and go to the co-op and get a little drinkie drink... it was nice. we danced wildly! YAY! i saw cory and cory... they made a cory/rachel sandwich and i ended up touching his ass. it was weird... i think you had to be there????
then after we were all a bit tipsy we went back to phi tau. it was much better, prolly mostly cause we were tipsy... just as a guess. but we danced wildly again and it was good. then we went home... :) setting the clocks back was an adventure! rather more difficult than when sober.. i wonder why?? this morning micha was/is really hung over and sick. i feel bad for her... i don't have a hangover and don't feel that bad. cept i can feel that my back is like, you shouldn't have done that.. but not too terribly. i just remembered that today is sunday and that means i have class tomorrow! eep! that means i have lots of stuff to do. including reading 8 ch's in this hydrogen power book. which is actually pretty sweet and actually realistic about the shift to a hydrogen economy.. as in if stuff doesn't really happen soon it will take the better part of a century to get it going. okay, i think that is all. later all. (i love pics!) bibi.


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