Thursday, October 27, 2005

and i know....

i feel good today. generally. ah, endorphins... how good you are to me.

oh how much i love singing to songs in harmony. i'm not that good at it, but somehow hearing the intervals in my own ears and coming from my own voice... it's the coolest experience. that and playing awesome double stops. SO awesome.

'am i just paranoid or am i just stoned?' tis a good question...

next week is reading period. my plan is go to minneapolis and visit my dear friendies there. (i wove woo gwuys...) party, relax and not think about school... for a little bit. (not that i don't like my classes, but somehow around this point in the term i want to not be around... ya know how it is...)

hm... i suck at things... a whole lot.

brain empty, time to stop... i will post my pics i took this morning at 6:50am tomorrow... but i lack the will to do it now... hooray! kk, niteynite...


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