Friday, April 29, 2005

tonight, tonight, won't be just any night.

eww my fingers are all greasy from popcorn. is that bad for keyboards??

tonight i saw the weirdest japanese movie. it was made by the same people as totoro (i love that movie!!! so cute!!) but it was about raccoons. mostly it was that the males always had actual, drawn in testicles. and when they would battle they would stretch them into different shapes. it was bizzare. but overall it was a pretty cute movie and pretty animation. :)

i also at dinner at a catholic potluck with eliana. she just converted a couple weeks ago(???) and it was a little celebration thing. it was nice. pretty decent food, even if it had almost no vegetarian stuff. it was still nice to not eat downer stuff.

so now i sit in my room, writing on my puter, and thinking about what to do for the rest of the night. i'll prolly just do some homework, perhaps watch a movie, and go to sleep. i can't believe i have a lesson tomorrow. poo. well, i hope she gets interrupted so i have time to think in my lesson. hehe.

oh!! i was looking at the summerfest website with heidi this morning and it had a link that said 'CELLISTS!' so we clicked on it. they are looking for 100 cellists to play at summerfest in a piece called 'bach and rock.' it just said if you play in an 'a or high b level' (i'm assuming it's going by the wisconsin solo/ensemble guidelines) all you have to do is fill out the little application and send $20. and if you are one of the first 100 then you are in. so, i obviously applied. i'm SO excited. that would be awesome. playing at a music festival. the biggest music festival at least in the midwest... not quite sure if in the us. so awesome! :) i'm really excited. super de duper excited. yeah. that's all. bye.


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