Wednesday, April 27, 2005

it's not me, it's you.

i feel like i'm going to conquer the world today. for some reason. well, it started with actually getting up within 30 minutes of my alarm going off. pretty sweet. actually taking a shower in the morning and doing my morning exercise. :) it made me very happy. (and a plus, my stomach muscles don't ache as much immediately after starting! that prolly means i should now be doing more.... hm...)

tonight is a violin canidate recital and GUSTER. okay, i'll be honest... i don't know like any of their songs that well.. but it should be pretty friggin sweet. and for only $12.50... not bad at all. (especially considering that the general public tickets are like $25-35! sweet!)

okay, going to breakfast and going to class. then commence doing homework and HAVING AN AWESOME NIGHT!!!! YAY!!


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