Wednesday, March 16, 2005



hocay, so my parents bought a new car. a car for me. because my dearly beloved fredrick was dying. i loved that car. it kept me company on the lonely was a good little car. rip dear fredrick...may you find that big, long highway in the sky, where your speedometer works again, correctly. my new car is a saturn. it is silvery-greyish. i will most likely be driving it around next week when i am home for spring break. HOORAY! i'm very, very excited for that. i can't wait to sleep in my big, queen size bed and not be two inches away from the ceiling. yay!

i know i am spoiled. but i don't let it get to my head. my parents do make quite a bit of money, i am not responsible for that. but i don't think that that makes me a spoiled person. i am very appreciative about the fact that my parents are finacially stable and i feel very lucky for that. i don't really know why i'm writing this as nothing has happened to make me write it, but somehow it feels like the thing to do... whatever.

gabby, dear sweet gabby. don't let that asshole bring you down. it is not your fault in the slightest that he didn't get the head rla thing again, it is not your fault that he is completely incompetent about people's feelings, and you should NEVER wait around for him to make up his mind as to whether he can actually love you or not. he's not worth it. he's just not confident enough in himself so he must hang on just in case he gets lonely and needs a self-esteem booster. he's a shit and you are so much better than that. you deserve so much better.

okay, now that the library will actually be open soon, i must off. later.


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