Tuesday, November 21, 2006

you know that he cries.

over the bridge, under the water
time waits for nothing
nothing at all

i go home tomorrow, for which i'm so thankful... (prolly more thanks to come... we'll see how ambitious i feel later...)

why do i have such a thing about heidi being pretty much better than me in all respects and why do all the guys i like have to be in love with her?!?!?!?!? seriously. i mean... can't there just be one who is just my friend and doesn't ditch me for her... god, why am i still a 6th grade girl?!? i thought i would be over this by now... ugh!

i don't want to fake it
i just want to make it

love you madly: cake
embraceable you: jane monheit
pennies from heaven: louis prima
the asshole song: jude

it's been that kind of week. thank goodness my paper is done. :D

later, yall....


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