Sunday, October 29, 2006

if wanting ever taught you anything

it's wanting more

reading period has been wonderful. not quite as productive as i should have been, but that is pretty much the way it always is... oh well.. i've still had a lot of fun and gotten lots of sleep. :D something that hasn't happened in a while. :D :D

i'm still all confuzed about the boys in my life, but i feel like location and time constraints have to make the decision for me. i can't waste my time on stuff if there is really no interest... can i? but it's nice to just dream and think about it all every once in awhile.

'words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup.... pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind, possessing and caressing me... NOTHING'S GONNA CHANGE MY WORLD'

somehow that just fit right then...

i'm so excited about my recital. and sharing it with elise will be so cool. so much cello, but so good. i'm sad that i can't do it with paris, cause that would be way sweet.... (and a lot of people would come to hear her.... sigh) but this will be way sweet. i'm really glad i've gotten to know elise a bit better this year... she's a very cool cat. :D

i'm so not into school this year. it's really interesting but i kinda miss just being about to enjoy classes without having to worry about any acedemic things like papers and tests.... not that london was like that... but somehow it was more so than here. yeah i'm making no sense at all. woot.

next week is bjorklunden. it will be so wonderful. such good company, lots of cello time and yummy yummy food. :D could it get any better??

kk, later lovers.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

i know there are promises to keep

but money's tight
and i've been losing sleep....

next week is FINALLY reading period. i sooo sooo soooooo need a break. i know that i shouldn't need one, but damn... i so do. i'm completely not used to doing work and am actually doing kinda shitty at my classes. which is so not good. hopefully after reading period i can redeem myself and get my life in order. damn.

this weekend may kill me. my parents are coming to the choir concert tomorrow and then are staying all of saturday (for our kaledescope concert... ugh!) and possibly through sunday... i guess i dunno...

okay, so the concert on saturday is going to kill me. we have to be at the pac at 1:15 and can't leave until after the concert... which will approximately be around 10-10:30. suckfest. but i'm prolly gonna go out down the ave after the concert... so that might be exciting. :) woo hoo socializing. :)

my thumb has a HUGE freaking blister on it from practicing one of my sweet sweet recital pieces. it hurts like hell but i'm pretty damn proud of it. :)

okay.. later dudes....

Friday, October 13, 2006

i need your grace.

this song has been in my head for just over a week. but it is such a good song and seems to fit SOOO well with my overall mood that i am actually okay with it.

it's friday the 13th... oooooo. and it's shamamamama's birthday. (happy birthday dearie!) i have a lot of stuff to do today and this weekend. but quite honestly i just don't care. the weekend is almost here and this weekend should be pretty much fantastic. perhaps pimm's tonight, orch concert tomorrow, cello party, orc party, and then all of sunday to do all the stuff i prolly won't get to today or tomorrow. we'll see how it all plays out.

i'm excited. and hopefully it will get rid of my bad mood. i'm sick of that.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i seem to be in a rut.

maybe a lull is better. i feel just kinda blah-like. i don't really want to do anything... thus i'm bored... but i obviously don't really like doing nothing. and i seem to be tired all the time. perhaps i'm anemic... perhaps i'm crazy. i seem to be getting more and more forgetful and disorganized than usual. ugh! i've already lost a book and i keep losing my keys and then forgetting things all over the place. i don't understand what i'm doing that makes me like this but it needs to end. right now.

damn headache. back again. ugh ugh ugh and double ugh.

okay... it's advil time and perhaps a nap til it's time to go to lunchies. (i finally get to go to lucy's!!!)
