Wednesday, February 08, 2006

argh, mateys....

last night we had a recording session for this film score. it was for the silent movie 'the black pirate'. i actually liked most of the music... a bit reminscent of pirates of the caribbean... but just good, fun, and silly music to play. i'm a big fan of sorta cheesy movie music. :) and we actually only had to do about three takes per section. pretty awesome. the whole process was pretty interesting to me. :)

why is that man SO attractive? i do not understand. i want to think he looks at me... but it's prolly my imagination... but he was totally following me the other... i swear....

i'm going home tomorrow... to do laundry and the like. i'm excited. i will play my flute and try to not suck so much. and read for my aesthetics midterm on tuesday. eep! i feel i may do badly on it. sigh. but my rewrite was amazing. so boo-ya. in yo face. paper...???...

project runway tonight. 'from all the tears in the preview it has to be amazing.' ~heidi... almost everyone in the usual crowd will be gone, but i shall sonjourn on. or whatever. i'm excited. mostly about going home, but pr is the highlight of my week.

OH!!! plus it's the sweatervest extravaganza.... i'm so excited for this. lots o pics will be taken. it will be done. and i shall post here. oh yes, yes i will. YAY! there are really some prize ones to be seen. (eep! i have a cello lesson today. and i need that music... damn... maybe i'll go make the copy now... maybe... )

okay, i must go and do stuff or relax a bit. later.


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