Sunday, February 05, 2006

suddenly standing

at the beginning with you... wow this song is so cheesy. ay ay ay!

ah, the matrix... much better.

okie, i've had the strangest desire to watch the old star wars movies recently. bizarre, eh? maybe i'll rent them over break... oooo, or i could get the dvd's from the library for reading period. yes, i think i shall do that. yay! i love those movies so much. i could watch them for days... days... i totally remember everything about seeing them MULTIPLE times at the galleria when they were rereleased. oh, yes i was a big ol' nerd in those days. but it was good. oh anna, you were such my soul mate then. yes, yes.

in other news, the training is back on. i'm getting there. inch by inch. mile by mile. step by step. man by man. (that's a cabaret reference if you didn't know... you should take a listen, it's good...) i can't believe that i leave in only a matter of two months... eep! only like seven weeks really. toowoo, toowoo!

today i've successfully done almost nothing. who knows? i still have quite a few hours before i go to sleep. and i don't think the sweatvest shopping extravaganza will happen today. too short notice. and i shouldn't really spend money. i've already far exceeded my limit for the week. far, far, far exceeded. oops. but the things i bought (save from going to perkins yesterday for breakfast... but it was SO good) are actually things i need. i love the shirts i bought. they are hott. with two t's. :) okay i feel this is enough for now. i should do some field notes and maybe start my flute notebook. and i should really start thinking about my topic for my 10-15 page paper.. eep! i have no idea what to babble on about for that long.

oh, damn... my song is over, must go. later.


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