Monday, October 03, 2005

i feel gross.

i just feel yucky right now. i mean, yes, i might not have showered today... but i just feel bleh. i think it's because my messyness has finally invaded my room... sigh... i will clean/organize tonight. i think i'll feel better. at least i might sleep better. i slept horrible last night. for no other reason than that i was completely uncomfortable.

classes are good, mondays are going to be the death of me. for real. i suppose everything is okay, i wish i wasn't so lazy... at least about practicing right now. i actually really like the music i'm working on, but somehow seem to avoid working on it. i need to just not be in this room and dottling on this stupid computer... like i am right now... sigh... but i love it so much... my... precious... :)

anywho, i suppose i shall clean and do some work and go to sleep. after all, tomorrow is a brand new day... a day where i have the potential to get so much work done!!! alright, GO!!!

ps my credit card is expired.. and they haven't sent me a new one yet... sad... okay, bibi.


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