Sunday, October 02, 2005


when will boys learn that playing psychological games with girls emotions is not good. i just don't understand why this certain boy (i suppose i shouldn't generalize, i'm sure there are good boys out there... somewhere... far, far away from me at all points in time...) thinks that by leading a girl on he is somehow not going to hurt her feelings. no girl deserves to be sent signals that he likes her, then be asked to go to a party/accept an invitation to go out and when it actually happens he ignores her, leaves her, gets extremely drunk, leaves again, constantly wants other people to be around because he obviously doesn't want to be alone with her... and then at the end of the night just say, 'i'm tired and i think you look tired too...' and walk away to his room. sweet heart, you deserve someone who actually gives a damn about you and can figure out some social skills in order to actually make a move/reciprocate.. you are a lovely person and if he can't see that then he is a loser and can rot away in a lonely life of solitude... you are wonderful. he is an asshole. done, done.


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