Friday, September 30, 2005

as it turns out, my pic was too big, so i cropped and resized, and made it work... so once again, this is me this morning... :)

Thursday, September 29, 2005


perhaps a good thing? a little baby step maybe??? i miss that... a whole lot....

ya know when you hear something bad about someone that you think highly of... and it's all awkward, because you really like this person but the company you are around obviously doesn't... conflict. i mean, in this case i know these people in two completely different contexts. but it makes you sad to know that there are people out there that don't like even the nicest people... thus stating the fact that there are people out there that don't like you. sigh... it really makes ya think. (hehe...) (the misery chick...) (hehe)

i love coldplay.... it's so pretty. and seems that i need to find more beauty in my life right now.. ah, music... my one true love. you are always beautiful. :)

today and tomorrow should be pretty easy class-wise, but that means i should do all of my work and PARTY all weekend. (i believe it's time for some drinkie-drink...) (hehe... that was a funny night...) okie, i suppose that is all. ready, set, game, match, box, cars, pollute, ponds, ground water, habitat, biodiversity, environmental science, rachel needs to do her work now... yay for free association!!! :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

taking the plunge?

to the people/corporate entities that posted comments asking me to join other blogging sites and such, i must say.. i do not wish to move myself right now. blogger works well for me at this point in time and i wish to remain here.

anywho, why did i send that thing... what if it isn't the person i thought i was??? oops... guess i'm just a random crazy person then.

have you ever really thought about how your fingers know how to type... i mean, yes a lot of people took classes as i did in middle school... but it's pretty amazing how we can learn that. learning amazes me sometimes... truly it does.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

These are two pictures from a really awesome storm in rochester... it must have been about two days before i left... maybe a little more. but i just HAD to take pictures of the rainbow. i mean it was a complete one and even had the reflection. (although by the time i got the pics it had gone... sigh...) so, there ya have it. my pretty pictures. yay!

class, class, class....

somebody's got a case of the mondays... yur damn right i do!!! on mondays i have: a 8:30am class (goes until 9:40), a 9:50 class (goes until 11:00), an 11:30am lesson, a break for lunch from 12:00pm-1:15ishpm, a 1:30 class (goes until 2:40), a 2:50pm class (goes until 4:00pm), orchestra at 4:10pm (goes until 6:00pm), and then i teach a lesson at 6:30pm. so, yes, i do, indeed, have a case of the mondays. i got back at like 8:00pm and was SO tired, i pretty much just crashed and went to sleep. on top of my covers, with just my blanket... and slept for ten hours. woo hoo!!! good thing tuesdays are pretty much blank for me. (cept for an 8:30am class, ASTA at 4:00pm, teaching a lesson at 6:15pm and orchestra at 7:00pm... so basically at night...) i suppose i wouldn't like to be bored or anything.. :) and all the classes i'm taking (cept maybe environmental science...) are really good. it'll be okay.. i think.. okay, bibi.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

i got tired of homework....

thus i wanted to post my pics of the room. :)

this is our common room. it's kinda small, but it has room enough for my papasan, two arm chairs, fridge, and my tv/vcr/dvd/stereo.. so good enough. :) the only down side to this room is that it is really cold. thus, you always have to use a blanket to sit in it... and yes, our thermostats do not work at all. it is very sad. (yeah, poor me...)

This is a shot of the two rooms that make up our bathroom. one is just a sink with a mirror and the other is a full bathroom.

This is the sink room.

This is the bathroom.

This is our room. my bed is the one on the bottom.

this is my desk.

so this is my place. i hope you enjoy all the pics... i had far too much fun taking pictures. bibi.

come fly with me.

i had to update. the last post was just sitting there... glaring at me through the screen.

this weekend has been relaxing and such, but i didn't get that much accomplished. i suppose that's okay. but i at least got the common room fixed in a prettier way and hooked up my tv and such. :) and i did watch all of hitchhiker's guide. it was pretty good. not as good as the book, but then what ever is??? i'm not sure what it is missing, but something.

what is there to say? many things, but nothing i want to say. so i suppose i shall stop...

Saturday, September 24, 2005


i actually wrote this last night, but somehow didn't post it...

do you ever feel like you are slipping away from someone? like you have no idea what this person is like because you feel so disconnected from what they have become. you still care, but somehow it just seems like they are so different and things are so... well, to put it inarticulately, different. so many of the everyday assumptions you make in your life have changed. a relationship is switched, strained, mulitated. maybe that's a bad choice of words... you don't want to feel sad, but you do. i guess change can be good.. i don't remember why the old was so wonderful. but i suppose it felt constant. comforting. dammit, i just want you to be happy, even if that means i'm not. for awhile. actually, i think you already are. and i know i can't just say it, because of my own cowardice. at least not now. but i can't help feeling like you don't need me anymore. like my life is just too slow and yours is going mach 3. maybe i am boring. (hello, look at my readership...) i am happy. i am. i love school and i love my life right now. but somehow i keeping thinking that my life would be easier if i wasn't here. i'm not even going to clarify or explain that. i know i won't transfer. but it seems like it would be... maybe... probably not. probably be just the same, only with more people somewhere else.

~i don't really know why i was thinking about this last night. just sort of hit me. i guess i wish things were the same and that this particular relationship was the same, but it isn't. i need to just accept it. and try to salvage and grow from what it left. okay, i'm going to go to brunch and start doing productive things... :) bye.

Friday, September 23, 2005


just in case you wanted to know. the name in my aim profile is kobby buayana. he was a freshman in plantz last year. thus, one of my former residents. he drowned at the rec center on campus on sept. 8th. it is very sad. that is all there is to say.

this is for you...

okay, i'm updating. classes started wednesday. they all look good. i'm taking woodwind tech, high string tech, environmental science, conducting, lessons, and orchestra. at the moment conducting is probably my favorite class. but that's mostly because i love david e. becker. (he's the prof... new director of orch) he's my hero. our first class was from 1:30-3:30 on wednesday, but it seriously only felt like twenty minutes. i was so engaged the entire time. SO much better than debbaut's class. (in a funny side note, debbaut is now at the u of m... so feel lucky you aren't in orchestra....) woodwind tech is really hard for me because i don't play a wind instrument, thus it is much different than a string instrument. but i'm getting the hang of the clarinet now. i can get a pretty decent tone at the first try. which is progress. it's very satisfying to have a musical challenge like that. very invigorating. ahh...

my room is pretty much unpacked, but i still need to put up posters and pics and such... so pics of the room will follow soon, i promise. prolly this weekend, when i have some more time to work with.

ps. i have five students, but one of them i can't get ahold of and the only time i've ever gotten an answering machine is at one in the afternoon... sigh, but the rest of them are scheduled and it should work out. even if i'll be busy. kk, laters.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

it's a jungle out there.

and yes, i do happen to like that song. anywho, i am back at lu. hiett is wonderful and my room is seriously wonderful. (pictures to come as soon as i'm done unpacking/decorating) yay for big rooms and personal bathrooms. :) :) :)

(and i get to go off campus this year... could it get any better???)

so, basically life is good and i'm happy at the moment. but then again classes haven't started yet. not that i think classes are going to make my life unhappy, but it will be much more stressful. obviously. okay, that is all. goodbye.

Friday, September 02, 2005

this is the sound of settling....

golly gee i love death cab for cutie... i do. and they have a new cd coming out soonish, and so does ok go. (ok go is the best band i ever found on a whim... their last cd is AMAZING.. i love it SO much...) i guess i don't have much to say... i'm sick of working at target with all the understaffing and new people who SUCK this year. i mean, usually there are at least two or three pretty good people... but not this year. they just suck... and several of them are bitchy and annoying. and they've only worked there for three weeks. i don't understand. but it probably means that they won't make it past the 90-day thingy. ha ha. ( you have to be pretty bad to not make it past that...) plus, with having crappy people working it makes the whole job even more unpleasant.

psychological pain. probably. but how do you correct that?

i need to go back to school. i can see my problems melting away when i get there... but i seriously need to buy school stuff... ggrrr... kk, bye bye.