Saturday, December 09, 2006

listen betch...

i'm home.

the clip 'kelly shoes' on google video.... it blows my mind. and then i laugh ridiculously.... seriously... dude!!! oh my god, shoes.....

i want a flaming hula hoop. serious.

my ear is not happy today. hopefully this is temporary... as much i like being rudolf the red earred reindeer....

okay, later betches.... :D

Thursday, December 07, 2006

holes in my head!!!

i am so le happy. :D it was surprisingly not as bad as people say. it mostly hurts when they are putting the actual jewelry in... as they have to kinda tug on the holes a bit. but i didn't even bleed. i didn't cry (so there, nicole...). it just made me really happy. which may make me a masochist.... but i don't really care. :D :D :D so happy.




sweet jesus, i am done....

now i go to get a couple of holes in my head.... i'm ridiculously excited... serious like. eliana says she's gonna take pictures.... perhaps i'll post... unless they are blood filled or weird... well, YOU'D probably love that...


later ho bags.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

(x) snuck out of the house
(x) gotten lost in your city
( ) saw a shooting star
(x) been to any other countries besides the united states
( ) had a serious surgery
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas
( ) kissed a stranger
(x) hugged a stranger
( ) been in a fist fight
( ) been arrested
(x) done drugs
(x) had alcohol
(x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
( ) kissed in an elevator
(x) swore at your parents
( ) kicked a guy where it hurts.
(x) been in love
(x) been close to love
( ) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
(x) broken a bone
(x) been high
(x) skinny-dipped
(x) skipped school
(x) flashed someone (unintentionally...)
(x) saw a therapist
( ) done the splits
( ) played spin the bottle
(x) gotten stitches
( ) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
(x) bitten someone
( ) been to Niagara Falls
(x) gotten the chicken pox
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(x) kissed a member of the same sex (depends on the type of kiss..... cheek, yes...)
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
( ) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
( ) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(x) stole something from your job
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend (sadly.....)
(x) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(x) been to Europe
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) been pregnant
( ) saw someone die
( ) been to Africa
(x) Driven over 400 miles in one day
(x) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) Thrown up in a bar
( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been snowboarding
( ) Met someone in person from the internet
(x) Been 'moshing' at a 'rock' show
( ) Been to a moto cross show
( ) lost a child
(x) gone to college
( ) graduated from college
(x) taken painkillers
(x) love someone or miss someone right now

meh... finals procrastination...


the last few days have been pretty much horrible. the only things that have gotten me through are the many many hugs and cuddles from friends and good stiff drinks... just kidding... probably naps would be the other thing that has gotten me through... although the one i took today was more like a coma.... and i didn't even feel rested afterward. sigh. but now one big final is done and i guess i can sorta relax for a few minutes...

i may have had a large panic attack this afternoon when the internet stopped working on campus for a while.... thus inducing said coma... but all seems to be okay now... (duh, i'm using the internet now... duh!!) but that means that now i have to actually do my work. and we all know i can't do that. ever. ever. ever.

thursday will be the day of victory. i will scream so loud when i'm finally done that it may get me in trouble. and then it's PARTAY!!! time... yay for seeing long lost friends on this super duper small campus. :D :D :D

and then it is homeward bound for me. which should be alright. i get to see yalls. :D which is usually good. cept when you make me feel bad and make fun of me. :'( but then we'll drink and everything will work out. :D

i have also been watching far too much will and grace. it's getting ridiculous... seriously.

ps. i enjoyed the visit last night. yes, you are always welcome... in my bed... :D

loves to loves.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

i'm a loser...

because i don't wanna write my paper or anything productive...

1. single, taken or crushing?
single- but always crushing...

2. Are you happy with your life now?
yes, i get to go to school and dink around... while my parents pay... how could it get any better?

3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him/her fast?
i suppose... never have... as of yet.

4. Have you ever been heart broken?
hasn't everyone? yes... many many many times....

5. Do you believe that there are some circumstances, where cheating love is acceptable?
cheating love, eh? i guess i'm confused by that... i definitly feel like sometimes that circumstances make it impossible for things to happen... it happens...

6. Would you take someone back even if he/she cheats on you?
no. no. no.

7. Have you talked about marriage to someone else before?
yes, i have talked about marriage with many people... not to anyone specific...

8. Do you want children?
surprisingly more and more... it's weird... maternal instincts...

9. How many?
i don't know... at least 2 because the only child thing seems weird to me... dunno... i guess we'll see...

10. Would you consider adoption?
maybe... if i really couldn't have kids...

11. If someone likes you now, what do you think is the best way for him/her to let you know his/her feelings?
to tell me. duh. no, wait... i really just want them to hit me everytime i see them and then act like an asshole when i talk to them... that's SOOO better.

12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships?
i suppose....

13. Do you believe in love at first sight?
not love, but definitly lust.

14. Do you believe you can change someone?
probably... but i wouldn't want to. and it would make them unhappy with me.

15. If you could get married somewhere, where would it be?
a small something with my family and friends...

16. Do you give in easily when fighting?
depends on who i'm fighting with... i hold grudges for long long long long times... but most of the time i hold things in... and freak out later.

17. Do you have feelings for anyone now?
i have many feelings for many people. also, i have a crush on every boy. ever.

18. Do you ever wish that you could have had someone but you messed it up?
no. why would i wish to have something that i messed up?!?!?!

19. Have you ever broken a heart?
i suppose? not to my knowledge.

20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy/girl you are deeply in love with, what will you do?
cry. lots. but then again people i like always seem to go for my friends... tis my curse...

21. Are you missing anyone right now?
of course. everyone does....

wooo procrastination...

you know what?

i really really hate it when my roommate says 'god bless you' every time i sneeze... fuck off...

Friday, December 01, 2006

final-y final final final....

not really.... i haven't even begun to think about my finals yet... today shall consist of finishing my listening... well, basically i have to do the enitre term's worth of listening... i'm a dummy... :D but then after that all i have to do is a paper (4 pages, no big dealio) and study for my two finals... and drink lots of alcohol. :D

not a terrible 10th and finals week at all. i also plan to stay here until saturday or sunday... just chilling.... :D i'm excited. :D :D

okay... breakfast? yeah, pwububly....