Friday, June 30, 2006

i'm a dork.

so.... i was going home from another lovely day at target. and the creepy guy (mark... ) was working. i get my crap and go out to my car. i was hot so i decided to take off my sweatshirt and shirt... (thus i had my tank top and bra on...) so i'm driving away... i pass by the front of the store and none other than creepy guy mark is waiting outside for a drive up... and he is staring at me with very strange look on his face. i'm like 'what they hell are you looking at??' then when i'm turning out of the parking lot i realize that a lot of my bra is sticking out of my shirt. yup i'm brilliant!!!

so we'll see if he leaves me alone or if i have fueled the fire more?!?!?!

just thought i'd share my awesomeness!

Monday, June 26, 2006


so i never update... but i figured this out when i first got home. my cello is broken... ish... the sound post fell down, which isn't that huge of a deal... but it isn't a do it yourself repair... thus i have/had to schedule to get up to the cities to get it repaired... ugh, ugh, ugh.... i hate not having a luthier in town. grrr.... or at least not one that i trust... but my daddy is gonna take it on thursday so i can finally start practicing... although i will have pratically forgotten how... ugh! which reminds me that i need to order the orchestra music. eep!

things are going well. work is okay. it pays the bills... and stuff... can't really complain. i hate how the guys treat me... but what can you do... if you wanna know ask me later.... i lack the energy. joining the y on saturday... changed the netflix back to my movies (YAY!) and seeing some friendies... need to plan my trips to mequon and cities... soon... ie take off of work. also need to decide about montana. sigh. it's all good. i'll prolly go. just to get away from here. you know.

i think that's about it. off to order... laters.

Friday, June 16, 2006

been awhile.

i got back from italy today... back to london for a few days... it's super strange coming back here, because it feels like home, but my home isn't my home anymore... not to mention that my 'family' isn't here either. but i'm glad to be here. italy was pretty sweet, but because of my sis's injury it was really difficult for her to get around that much... so our days were pretty much done by 5pm... so not much of a night life... but it was nice to just relax for awhile. just to be away from the city. but i'm totally ready to be home home. for real real, not for play play. i'm totally touristed out... i know i'll be regretting it when i'm home, but i'm ready to just be a dumb american and not live here.... that sounds lame... but totally true. plus i'm looking forward to summer and for sure next year (even though classes might kill me). things are just generally really good and i'm very very very very happy. :D

i think that's about it... laters.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

finally done.

i'm soooo done with my finals. they were terrible. acedemically i really should be ashamed of myself... but i just don't care. you know....??... whatever, i'm sure i'll get a's so it's probably not that big of dealio.

the fam is here now. it's really weird to see them all. one cause i haven't been around all of them at once since last summer and i, obviously, haven't seen any of them since march. going back to america is gonna be so weird. americans are a strange breed. indeed. plus once i'm back i'm pretty much just working... not just hanging around and being dumb... hehe... but i still will be able to drink legally, so i suppose that aspect might stay the same??!??! that really makes me sound like an alcoholic. hm. it isn't true. but sort of is. oh, you know.... hehehe... speaking of, tonight shall be insanity.... first i'm going to the jack the ripper walk. should be good. then i'm meeting my parents and sis for dinner and then we are going to the ballet. then i shall come back to the centre... we will commence drinking... lots... taking some sweet ass pictures and then trying to pretend like i am not hung over as hell tomorrow. hehe. well, i don't plan on getting that ridiculous... but who knows... i always say that... 'you are supposed to party with a plan' or some other crap that i read on the rla drinking thing... dunno... don't remember...

oh well. i suppose i should journey on. hopefully the tube won't completely fuck me over. i hope. god i'm going to miss it pissing me off at home... :D


Thursday, June 01, 2006


could you stop being so attractive all the time so i can get some work done????

did you test out of blc???

i know yalls won't understand... talk to me later.... just had to get them down so i didn't forget... you know....