Monday, June 26, 2006


so i never update... but i figured this out when i first got home. my cello is broken... ish... the sound post fell down, which isn't that huge of a deal... but it isn't a do it yourself repair... thus i have/had to schedule to get up to the cities to get it repaired... ugh, ugh, ugh.... i hate not having a luthier in town. grrr.... or at least not one that i trust... but my daddy is gonna take it on thursday so i can finally start practicing... although i will have pratically forgotten how... ugh! which reminds me that i need to order the orchestra music. eep!

things are going well. work is okay. it pays the bills... and stuff... can't really complain. i hate how the guys treat me... but what can you do... if you wanna know ask me later.... i lack the energy. joining the y on saturday... changed the netflix back to my movies (YAY!) and seeing some friendies... need to plan my trips to mequon and cities... soon... ie take off of work. also need to decide about montana. sigh. it's all good. i'll prolly go. just to get away from here. you know.

i think that's about it. off to order... laters.


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