Tuesday, June 28, 2005

hey, i'm a bum.

well, maybe not, but i'm not much better. sigh. work, home, nik... that's about it. i'm not really complaining... but it's all the same. it's mostly work that is not fun. but not for the same reason as last year, it's mostly because i am injured. and working REALLY hurts. hopefully they can fix it. i hope. or if not, they'll amputate. (hey, at least it isn't a hand.. hehe...)

shamlag, when are you getting back??? i miss you... well... not you, but just ya know... that....

(jk.. jk, lol....)

okay, i have nothing else of importance to say. cept that i played at the farmer's market and made $40 in an hour and a halfish... it was SWEET! and next week is summerfest... ooo, i should practice. and facebook is stupid... okay, and done. bye.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

it feels like home to me.

i am home. i figured that i should update. i'm marginally okay with this fact. i have so much to do this summer it's kind of frightening. i'm not sure when i'm working. i probably should stop by target today sometime. i guess. i don't want to go back to work there. i don't. but i pretty much have to if i want to study in london. thus, i must shower and go and face them. (they probably forgot that i was still coming back and haven't put me on the schedule. or they started like two weeks ago.. that happened last year... sigh...)

i biked around 10 miles this morning. while most of my body doesn't like it, i actually feel much better. this is my plan this summer. to have a hardcore training schedule for london and next summer's grand european tour. so far, so good. :) but then again, it's only been like two days. whatever, progress is progress. go me.

okay, going to shower, go to target (i have stuff to get anyway... sigh... money...) (although there was a very attractive guy at the bank yesterday... yes, i should have flirted....), and do some more unpacking. i honestly don't know how i managed to get all of the shit that i had in my room there... amazing... goodbye.

Friday, June 10, 2005

take me back to the stars.

at this very moment i am extremely hot and sweaty. i just took a shower this morning. i actually took a shower rather than going to breakfast. i sort of regret this decision. as i don't feel anymore clean and am pretty much just as sweaty as before. i really loathe checking people out. and i really have no idea what i'm actually doing, so people could get charged and i would almost feel bad. almost. i need to sweep the room. but i don't want to. sigh. perhaps i will. i must... i guess...

ick, i want to come home. right now. i wish we were just looking at random movies in walmart.... that would be far superior than being here.

'i try and try just to forget you girl, but it's just so hard to do.. every time you do that thing you...'

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

two decades?

i am now twenty. hm. i don't feel any different than i normally do, besides the massive hangover i have.... hm... maybe that's what getting older is like. a hangover. all of the time. prolly not. (wow, i am really insightful right now...)

somehow even though i didn't drink all that much i did manage to puke on two occasions. it's prolly cause i didn't drink any water and hadn't had anything to eat since a while before... yeah, we'll blame it on that and not my inability to hold my liquer... hehe... last night was really fun, cept that bonnie happened to come and she REALLY can't hold her alcohol and somehow managed to cut her foot and we had to (all four of us) walk her home... i really hope she is okay, i know she had a shit load of packing to do... why did heidi invite her??? somethings i'll probably never know.... or want to know.

so basically, happy birthday to me and now i'm going to get some more water and try to get rid of my hangover... woo! bye, bye...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


today is a wonderful day. not only is my birthday tomorrow, but i am now done with all classes for the year. for this i am very, very, very grateful. not that i don't like school and whatnot, but there comes a point at which even the most interesting class and best teacher need to be put away. i need to relax. and i plan to. i have grand plans for this evening, i have a staff meeting... the last staff meeting... and then heidi, monica and i are all going to get drunk. yes, it may seem like a rather stupid and cliche thing to do, but i don't care what you think. i am going to have fun tonight. (even though i'm going to have to get up really early and check someone out of their room at 5:45am... gggrrrr....) but whatever.. i don't care because today is wonderful. positively remarkable. i'm SO excited. so very, very, very, very excited. :) okay... must start cleaning and such... goodbye.

Monday, June 06, 2005

why did i kiss him so hard

late last friday night.

well, that is a complete untruth, but a very good song. so, it all balances out.

okay, i have to jet quickly for a psyc review thing (also the only the studying that i am going to do for the exam... most likely...) but tomorrow is going to be amazing. as i will be done as of whenever i get done with my final. hooray!! (well, cept for all the rla stuff... but it'll be mostly down time. :) ) okay.. better go.. bye bye.

Friday, June 03, 2005

we used to pray for the end of school.

i guess i'm not really in disagreement, but next year is going to be way crazy. way crazy. i need to decide what meal plan i want. i keep thinking that i want the 77 meal plan, and then cook a lot. i mean, since my rents are going to fix fredrick i will have a car to go get groceries and such. and i think if i set a clear budget i can save quite a bit of money. i think.

'something is wrong with me, can't seem to get to sleep. i've got a strange disease..' oh icky how i love this cd. it makes me very happy. oooo now it's fiona apple. can this get any better? somehow i don't think so.

so, funny story... i woke up at 6:15 and freaked out because i thought it was 6:15 at night. it was really weird. then i looked on my computer and saw that it said AM and not PM... cool me... but it gets better. then it was 8:30 and i was like, well i'm still tired i'll go back to sleep. then i woke up again at 10... thus i was 20mins late to my stats class. on the very last day. so sad... sigh... but at least i'm getting an a... (i got 100% on the last quiz!!! hooray!!)

okay, i better do some packing and get to the con to practice scales... sigh... laters...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

stupid day.

wait, is that supposed to be there...??? i'm pretty sure it isn't and it really worries me. hm... maybe i should do something about it. prolly i won't.

today has been stupid. i can't really describe it any other way. i've just had a completely shitastic day. i know that a big part of it was my own fault, but i still feel emotionally exhausted. i just want to crawl in a hole and cry and then, probably, die.

damn... that was the opportunity... sigh.. damn..