Tuesday, June 28, 2005

hey, i'm a bum.

well, maybe not, but i'm not much better. sigh. work, home, nik... that's about it. i'm not really complaining... but it's all the same. it's mostly work that is not fun. but not for the same reason as last year, it's mostly because i am injured. and working REALLY hurts. hopefully they can fix it. i hope. or if not, they'll amputate. (hey, at least it isn't a hand.. hehe...)

shamlag, when are you getting back??? i miss you... well... not you, but just ya know... that....

(jk.. jk, lol....)

okay, i have nothing else of importance to say. cept that i played at the farmer's market and made $40 in an hour and a halfish... it was SWEET! and next week is summerfest... ooo, i should practice. and facebook is stupid... okay, and done. bye.


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