Monday, February 28, 2005

today, life is wonderful.

i have had the most wonderful day today. first i woke up really late (which could have been bad), then i thought my technique class was at 10:30, but it is at 10, thus i was 15mins late or so (which also could have been bad) but my teacher didn't really seem to care and didn't even seem upset by the fact that i wasn't there at all on time. it was splendid. then i went to music history, this is pretty much my favorite class because julie mcquinn is the queen of the universe, at which there were yummy donuts because ms. mcquinn did not finish our journals thereby making our current journals not due until friday. thank goodness. considering i haven't really started mine yet it was a very wonderful event. then i went back to my room. checked my mail and my 'salute your shorts' dvds finally got here. it made me very, very happy. i'm a loser!!! hooray...

okay, i suppose i should write something concerning the whole apt peoples dilema. (without specifics... duh, i'm not that stupid) hm... you all make me feel very sad that my life is so boring. i suppose living vicariously through you is good enough for me. whatever, i'm still a good person even if nothing happens in my life here at lawrence. (i'm talking social stuff, school is great!) whatever, i'm still really happy here and love my very innocent life here. it's very different and neat. but i must say i do miss going out and partying a bit. but whatever, i can always party in the summer, right? but yalls have to set me up with some hot guy. and not let me be all stupid and shy and stuff. so basically get me drunk.... did i just say that?? yup i guess i did.

tonight shall consist of doing homework (mh journal) and watching some project runway/salute your shorts. i think i will plan a program for sometime this week. prolly thursday when i'm on duty. sounds like a plan. (grr for ppst's in oshkosh, but yay for rhd's who lend me their cars!!!) okay, today is wonderful and i'm happy. i'm going to eat my erb's and gerb's sandwich and get started on some homework. bye!!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

like a blog written for the very first time...

i have decided to leave the blurty. mostly because the thing on my computer is simply too large and taking up too much memory. well, not really, but i have grown tired of it. therefore, i am starting again, from the beginning. i would like to say that i am currently a sophomore in college (not that i feel like i am that old or that i am trying to say i am smart because i am going to school...) no, i feel rather young and stupid... but not quite as stupid as i was in high school. thanks goodness the stupidness of that is over. i'm so thankful everyday that i am not living at home, not working at target for the rest of my life, doing EXACTLY what i want to do with my life and learning so much that i think my eyeball might burst out of my head from academic/artful happiness. but i am unhappy about other things. mostly i'm lonely and really want to, well not nessicarily a relationship, but a guy that i can actual talk to and who is actually interested in me. i have found the guy, but i fear his ultimate rejection. again. but i do really like him and just talking and having some laughs is good. i just wish there was more. not that i have time. but i really don't think that should be my excuse for not living life and having fun. well, i suppose i'll go do some homework and think about eating something. well i think that makes for a very nice first post for my new blog. i am satisfied.