Saturday, February 26, 2005

like a blog written for the very first time...

i have decided to leave the blurty. mostly because the thing on my computer is simply too large and taking up too much memory. well, not really, but i have grown tired of it. therefore, i am starting again, from the beginning. i would like to say that i am currently a sophomore in college (not that i feel like i am that old or that i am trying to say i am smart because i am going to school...) no, i feel rather young and stupid... but not quite as stupid as i was in high school. thanks goodness the stupidness of that is over. i'm so thankful everyday that i am not living at home, not working at target for the rest of my life, doing EXACTLY what i want to do with my life and learning so much that i think my eyeball might burst out of my head from academic/artful happiness. but i am unhappy about other things. mostly i'm lonely and really want to, well not nessicarily a relationship, but a guy that i can actual talk to and who is actually interested in me. i have found the guy, but i fear his ultimate rejection. again. but i do really like him and just talking and having some laughs is good. i just wish there was more. not that i have time. but i really don't think that should be my excuse for not living life and having fun. well, i suppose i'll go do some homework and think about eating something. well i think that makes for a very nice first post for my new blog. i am satisfied.


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