Monday, April 30, 2007


i am tired. tired of many things. and it makes me want to run away and hide until the world ends. i need to be away from this.

i want to just be done and get on with the rest of life. you know? it just seems way too soon and taking far too long to get here. sigh.

still need to figure out the percussion thing. damn... i should have just taken the damn class and dealt with it. then i wouldn't have to do this shit now. god i just hate everything right now. i just want to not. damn. damn. damn.

hocay, i guess i have hw to do. or something. or could get my emailing done or something... we'll see... ugh ugh ugh ugh. laters.

Monday, April 16, 2007

new plan.

i'm going to work really hard for the rest of the term. i'm quitting this stupid doing nothing depressed crap and getting my life back together. i need to quit having the actions of others (whether real or imagined) completely dictate my mood and my life.... i'm in control. i think...??... i'm too old for this crap.

woo hoo.

done. and done.

Friday, April 13, 2007


i have never been good at breaking up with friends. but i feel that it has come to that point in time for one of my friends and i. i feel that no further good or happiness will come out of our relationship. and quite frankly i just don't have time for people in my life that don't really care about me and are pretty much using me for what i can do for them. so... we're done. but yet, being as i am, i still always think that it something about me that is horribly flawed and that i have done something terrible. but i'm going to try to stop thinking like this. this person is just someone who passes through my life and i need to concentrate on those that are here for good. i need to just move forward and not worry about things that are generally not good or healthy for me.

the recital is over. it went pretty well. and i feel good about my performance... some surprising things went better than anticipated and somethings went way worse... but overall i feel really happy with the whole dealio. mostly i'm really glad that it is over and i can relax a bit. (well, actually i've pretty much been relaxing the entire week and have done nothing productive... i suppose that not dying so much is important...) but the good news is that i don't have bronchitis or pneumonia, seems the fever has successfully burned out most of the infection from me. :D oh goodie.

so overall, i'm feeling okay. a little sad. a lot relieved about the recital and not-so-serious illness. i really just want to go home for a few days and not think about everything here. i just want to run away. i don't think that will actually help or is actually possible. but only 7 weeks to go i guess....

it's alright
cause there's beauty
in the breakdown.