Monday, August 07, 2006


so i'm bad at updating. i've been in montana for a little over a week. i start back today on the bus. i'm not really looking forward to sitting on a crappy bus for about 24 hours. ugh! which reminds me that i need to do some grocery shopping so i have something to eat during my journey.

montana has been not very much of a vacation. mostly just doing stuff for my sister. lots of cleaning, lifting and organizing. ugh! but now when i go back i'm in the house by myself for almost a week. which will probably be more of a vacation than anything. surprisingly enough. but that also means i'll be back at target. way lame. i'm pretty sure i am going to go crazy. as per usual.

sweet pea was okay. i didn't see much of anything because i was working. the children's activities went pretty well, despite the volunteer person not getting nearly enough volunteers for anything. but everything seemed to go fairly well even though we were short handed. sunday was far better than saturday because we actually had a bunch of people come to help with the tear down and clean up. because we were all tired from doing the activities all day... it was so nice to have some fresh people to do the majority of the heavy lifting and carrying... etc...

but things have been good. i love the weather here... hot, but dry. i love the mountains. i love the stars at night. i dunno. it's just nice. :D

i suppose that is all. only a month to go until school starts again. i'm looking forward to that so much it's kinda depressing.... sad that i'm not going back to london. but appleton will be nice. if school doesn't kill me. but that's what alcohol is for. just kidding.

laters. if i survive the bus ride.