Tuesday, May 30, 2006


i have no real ambition to get my finals done. but i know that i have to get them done like now so i can actual do fun stuff this weekend/thursday-saturday nights... hehe... i am envisioning lots of drinking and being crazy. :D why not go out with a bang... or something like that....

i can't believe we're almost done. that i won't see these people til september and most of whom i prolly won't really talk to ever again.. but it has been an experience. i'm really glad i came. i'm glad i proved that i could to myself. i mean, london is hardly a tropical locale with a language barrier, but it has had it's own set of challenges. and i feel pretty damn good about things. pretty damn good.

ooo, heidi and your exciting drama... ooooooooooooo. it always sucks when you like someone who is liked by someone close to you... but to have stuff actual happen. well, i don't feel your pain, but i don't envy you. at all. sigh. i mean, it's good... but hella awkward. but it'll get better. eventually. you know.

okie, back to the finals. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

about a week.

it's just over a week and i'll be done at the centre. that makes me sound like a drug addict... perhaps it's true. just kidding. i have three rather large finals to do in that time. i really want to get them done this weekend. then i can just party all week... well, not really but sort of. i can't help but think that i'm not really going to hang out with these people ever again... maybe a select few... but this term has been pretty changing... i think. i feel different. maybe just more focused. clear of what i want. and especially what i don't want. i don't mean relationships, i mean life-wise. i don't particularly like living in large cities. public transport is way cool, but i like living a quiet life at home. i like that i can have actual quiet and not have things going on all the time. maybe that makes me boring, but i'm being honest. i love all the opportunities that big cities have; as i love concerts and art and just the general crazyness... but it's something that i don't want every day.

italy in just over a week too. that's going to be insane. we seriously need to book places to stay. it's mostly my fault cause i'm lazy. but at least we've got somewhere to stay in rome. :D i'm really excited to go (cause i know it'll be amazing) but honestly i'm ready to go home. i'm SO sick of being a tourist. it's exhausting. it's just plain exhausting. i should have tried to get a whole week off before i went to work again... sigh. oh well, it's all good.

kk, that's all for now. toodles.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

so, perhaps it has been awhile.

things are just fine here. i'm wrapping up my term. which is good, but sad. i've had so much fun but to be completely honest i'm ready to go home. i'm tired of being a tourist and living in a large city. i love the opportunities of big cites, but i'm definitely not a big city girl. (yeah... i know...) it's to the suburbs with me... i guess... maybe... i dunno.

scotland was fabulous. ped was my tour guide once again. which is funny. (i'll post pics to either here or facebook... we'll see...) i really want to go back to scotland and see more of the country. especially the highlands. they are absolutely breathtaking. :D even though the people on this tour were not quite as cool, it was still an amazing time. i'm a big fan of the haggis tour. i definitely recommend them. especially if you are traveling alone and don't really have much idea what you want to see... it's a good thing.

housing selection is tonight... come on 128 union. :D i hope, i hope, i hope!!!!!!! (i do have an amazing number, so prolly... *fingers crossed*)

okay, i hope the quells your curiosity... for now... sorry i'm so bad at this. for real.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

i drink good coffee.

well, actually not.. as i haven't had any coffee in a very long time. but it does sound good right now. perhaps i'll remedy that sometime in the forseeable future.

cantebury was super cool. the cathedral is really amazing. i love that you can actually walk around the crypt and the entire alter without paying extra. (i truly loathe that sometimes you can pay a certain price to get in to the nave but then the altar is more.. ugh!) the canterbury tales thing was pretty cool... real touristy but good. it was a nice time. canterbury castle is a really interesting ruin... i wish we could have really walked around inside it... but the stairs were chained off... unstable my ass...

yesterday we went to the ceremony of the keys at the tower of london. it's pretty cool... the tower looks way cool at night. :) it suits it's history much better. the bugle player was TERRIBLE!!! but... apparently he's just solider... so it's forgiveable... (yeah... whatever...)

that's about it. tomorrow we see coriolanus at the globe... we get to be groundlings. sweet. then thursday i'm off to scotland for the weekend... which should be amazing... (must remember to get my pictures burned to cd's...) and my parents get here... that should be good... hopefully.. although i think i won't see them that much as they are renting a car and traveling around.. but they will pay for meals and things... which will be nice. :) (not as many sandwiches and pasta.. woot!)


Saturday, May 13, 2006

the last few days.

they have been very good. just haning out with people... we watched some crazy/horrible/fantastic movies... dusk til dawn (oh, george clooney...) and dog soliders. it was a very happy time. :) it is always fun to watch really terrible movies... :) :) :)

yesterday was fantastic. i had blc and we had a talk about homelessness and then talked to a homeless couple. it was pretty depressing, but very interesting. it's very weird how little it takes for someone to become homeless. and the vicious cylce which keeps people homeless is just sickening. my empathy was going into overdrive.. i wanted to give them the world... but i know i can't... and i know it might not make a difference. it was just a really interesting thing to think about and hear first hand accounts of.

then i had a shakespeare make-up class. which was a walk around blackfrairs and the southbank. (where the globe and most popular theatres were in shakespeare's day... along with brothels and drug sellers and the like... hehe...) it was really cool. beautiful weather... i mean, absolutely gorgeous. :) my favorite was southwark cathedral/church... can't remember which it is. but it's lovely. it has a memorial for shakespeare and a really cool stained glass window with his characters in it... it's just really cool. i like it a lot more than the one in stratford... you know... then at the end of our tour we went to a pub. it ended as all good classes should end, with a nice cold lager. mmm... (we'll see how this works in the weeks to come and next year... i don't hold out much hope...) and after our drink, dana and i went to the clink prison museum. it was actually a terrible museum.. mostly lots of things to read (like five paragraph posters EVERYWHERE!!! we nicknamed it the 'novel' museum) but the guy working there was really cool. and he was flirting and it was fun... :)

then we went back to the centre... gathered the boys and went to drayton (old trusty). laura bought us drinks. YAY! and then we went home... watched 40yrold virgin (god, i love that movie...) it was just a good time. although we've been watching WAY too many movies this week, but i think we all just needed sometime to just hangout together since we'd been apart and traveling for awhile... you know... just catchup/chillaxin time... (hehe, chillaxin... hehe)

i dunno what i'm gonna do today.. i think we might go to the royal mews (stables)... at least dana will go with me. :) i really like her... and i sense that she needs a female friend in her life right now. which is good, cause we seem to get along well. and it's just nice to be away from the boys for awhile. :) we had a lovely girl's day out. mmmm pizza at the bakery... mmmm :)

see, i finally posted something of consequence. :) go me. laters.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


so i'm sick. play tonight. i'ma gonna cough through it... oops...

nothing to say...

maybe i'll update someday... and actually say something of consequence... sorry shama...

Monday, May 08, 2006

where ever i go, damn there i am.

wales was SO amazing. i can't even begin to tell you all how fabulous my weekend was. :) we had gorgeous weather (cept for sat afternoon) and they peoples on my tour were really cool. i was a little worried about taking a tour... somehow i thought it was like backpacking-cheating.. but it was so good. and it wasn't like our nyc trip where the bus got in the way and i felt like such a stupid tourist... it was just really well done. and we saw so many amazing towns and amazing scenery. it was EXACTLY what i needed. exactly. i feel refreshed, even though i now i have a terrible sore throat and cold... but it's all good. so very good.

i'll post some pics sometime... otherwise they are on le facebook...

kk, laters.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

fact not fiction.

for the first time in years...

i keep thinking about all this stuff but yet i can't really come to any conclusions and things until people are back at the centre... thus i should prolly stop...

i'm really into this picture right now.. i look pensive... no, wait, thoughtful.... hehe... so we'll see if blogger will actually let me use it... oh please, pretty please.

austria was lovely, even though it rained everyday until the day i left. but we had a fabulous time. lovely museums, good food, and AMAZING concert... in the mosh pit of the classical music world. hehe... it was just a really nice trip.

i'm really excited that i'm going to wales tomorrow. it looks like it will be a fabulous weekend to go... as in not raining... hehe... i'm REALLY excited. :) yay for traveling... although i sort of wish i wasn't going alone, but oh well. it will be amazing nonetheless.. :) woot...

that's about it... now i need to pack and clean and stuff... eeeee!!!
