Friday, April 07, 2006

holy awkwardness, batman!

so things are awkward. i mean, it's fine... but holy god...

i love going to see good orchestras. i think i might actually go to the lso every freakin week. oye! i suppose i really should look up the wigmore hall stuffs... and see about some opera tickets... oye, so much money to spend and not enough to do everything. but i can pretend.

i can't believe i am going to austria to see eli (yes, i do type your name like this... so much easier... hehe). it makes me SO happy. like prolly a bit too much. i think it's mostly because eli is so wonderful and i don't have any close friends here... so thus, i am so excited. (it's only like two-three weeks away... eeeee!!!!)

perhaps i will take more pictures one of these days. perhaps.


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