Thursday, January 18, 2007

you see what the clock makes you do

and i won't let this happen to you

i love the new pornographers.... so much... so happy... :D

so things turned out okay even though my lesson was kinda shitty. and surprisingly i had actually not as bad comments as i thought i would. although going into the class i new that no one could be as hard on myself as i am. truly.

i've been so good at practicing this week. an average of about three hours of solid practice... niiiiice. and i actually feel like i'm getting somewhere. go figure. and i finally have an accompanist for my vivaldi... WOO HOO harpsichord. sweeeeeet. now if i only had a piano player or two for my other two pieces. sigh. hopefully in the next week i will get it all squared away. WOOT!!!! i'm so friggin excited for this recital. i actually get to preform. i guess i hadn't realized how much i actually do miss that. and durn it, i'm working hard and i feel that the result will be good. :D

classes are going.... i put an s/u on spanish (sweeeeet) so i won't have to worry about that so much. (i know i can for sure scrape a b without even trying at all....) rehersal tech is super hard but pretty much everything we are learning is practical, so i guess it balances out. my ed class is kinda stupid since we only meet once a week, but it is actually interesting material. we talk about teaching 'exceptional learners' (ie, those with learning, cognitive, behavioral, emotional, etc differences at both the low and high functioning ends) it's really interesting but i don't really do much for it besides read some articles. and of course i have observation hours, but i haven't yet set them up. sigh. by next tuesday i have to be good on that.... sigh. so much communication, so little motivation.

but i can't get senioritis. i just can't. these two terms are going to be intense. and i have to work really hard... well, that is if i want to graduate. and to be honest i don't think that i could take another year here. i'm just getting too old. i need to move on.

oye, well, back to the reading and such. later yalls.


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